Казино contempt theme de camille

Автор: РодВода | 2024-01-13 17:52:05

★★★★☆ (4.1 / 2172 отзывов)

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Georges Delerue - Le m pris: G n rique et th me de Camille

Казино contempt theme de camille РодВода Theme De Camille
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Eau de Toilettes Have the Same Scent? Eau de parfum and Eau de toilette might not smell the same, even if they're labeled as being the same fragrance. Depending on the brand, the actual formula may be tweaked to accommodate the different concentrations of fragrance. "For Diptyque, the Eau de parfum is not simply a more concentrated version of the Eau de toilette—the Eau de parfum is a new interpretation of the original composition. For example, in the Do Son Eau de toilette, you have tuberose, jasmine, and orange blossom in harmony, while in the Eau de parfum, you have a true overdose of tuberose. This note is amplified, which brings a different dimension to the experience of the scent," says Wallace. According to Long, it can vary from brand to brand. "In classic perfume brands, for example, it often isn't the same scent; both have the same central theme, but the proportions of top, middle, and base notes may be balanced differently," she says. "Sometimes the theme is stretched further with additional notes or a different twist entirely. On the other hand, in many niche perfumes, for example, you may find it's the same fragrance oil, but at different concentrations." Wallace says that's why Eau de parfums and Eau de toilettes aren't exactly interchangeable. "Often, the Eau de toilette is both lighter and fresher, while the Eau de parfum is richer and more lasting. For daytime or office wear, the Eau de toilette may be more comfortable and appropriate, while the Eau de parfum offers more depth, which can be nice for the evening," she says. You might also want to consider the temperature and time of year before choosing one over the other. "In humid and hot climates, a crisp Eau de toilette may be preferable, while in cooler weather, an Eau de parfum may offer more warmth and depth." Eau de Parfum vs. Eau de Toilette vs. Eau de Cologne Now that we've dissected the differences between the two main Eaus of the fragrance world, you may be wondering about a third variety gracing those impeccably designed bottles: Eau de cologne. While the term cologne often garners an inherently masculine persona, Eau de cologne isn't simply an Eau de parfum positioned for the male market, as many consumers believe it to be. In contrast, Eau de cologne is the lightest of the three categories, presenting a fragrance concentration of two to four percent which places it well below that of an Eau de toilette. Even lighter, though not as well-recognized or popular, is the Eau fraiche which is blended with a fragrance concentration of one to three percent. Unlike the other three categories, Eau fraiche uses a water base instead of alcohol and can most commonly be found bottled as aftershave. Eau de Parfum vs. Pure Parfum Pure parfum, as you may have guessed, offers the highest concentration of fragrance up to a heady 40 percent. While some iterations can go as low as 15 to 20

John Zorn cover of Georges Delerue's 'Th me De Camille

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Я полностью согласна с Gold😍

Вынужден извиниться перед Мидасом. Посмотрел первоисточник, там вообще нет абзаца про то, что Тереза достаёт клюшки и уж точно нет никакого «Спорт-Сиракузы»...Вот как в оригинале, привожу сплошняком:Yeah, right! laughed Bill. You didn't have fish for dinner, you jerk! It was prime rib and I had the same food you did. It wasn't anything you ate!No? I asked. Didn't I stand by you while you barfed your guts out at that rest stop? We had something that didn't agree with us.I would guess that the thought of being married to a cheating slut is the thing that doesn't agree with either of you! laughed Gwen. Are you guys hungry now that your stomachs are purged?Not me! It's almost dark. I'm going for a ride in my new car, topless so to speak, grinned Bill. Would anyone care to join me?Зачем такие шутки переводчику - непонятно...

По ситуации при встрече в баре и дальнейшем обсуждении проблем невольных собутыльников не хватает коронной фразы: Ты меня уважаешь? Если да, тогда пей...•••••••Абсолютно в точку, у меня такие же мысли были при переводе 😃 Даже предварительно в черновике написал, для памяти: найти в сети фото застолья на тему ты меня уважаешь? и вставить для иллюстрации)) Потом, правда, решил отказаться от этой идеи 😆•••••••И, не в укор переводчику, Золотой Берег не Голд Кост, а Голд Коаст.•••••••Всё верно, в оригинале The Gold Coast; спасибо за ремарку - это, наверное, от транслейтора осталось, потом/позже поправлю буквочку)

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